Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Pretty Long, But Worth It

Every now and then (more often than you would think) we get spam faxes at the law school. I didn't know there was such a thing as a spam fax until I worked here. We got one today, and I just had to post it. It is long, but... well, you'll see. Here it is (spelling and grammar mistakes and all).

To Whom It May Concern,
I, Sean Michael Tooley, Am Seeking Representation/Help For
Me As A Victim Of Crime In The United States By
The Central Intelligence Agency.
Richard Williams,
Belinda Mclees,
Jim Mclees,
Andrea Hopkins,
Chuck Williams, And
Charles Williams,
Are Operating Illegal Wire Taps On Me, And Using The Wire Taps On me They Are Operating L.A.S.E.R. Weapon Systems/Machines On Me In My Home, And Out In The Public, Shooting Me In The Liver Giving Me Liver Failure, Killing Me, In There Efforts to Kill Me, "Furthermore, The Central Intelligence Agency Is Using The Internet To Tell EveryBody To Lie and Paying People Off To Lie Regarding There Public Execution Of Me Being Viewed By The Public On Internet.

This Is A Public Execution By The Central Intelligence Agency And Is Not United States National Security. "In Addition The C.I.A. Is Using The Internet To Run A Parliamentary/Domestic Terrorism Operation On Me Out In The Public By U.S. Citizens To Secure There Public Execution Of Me With Ultra-Violet L.A.S.E.R.'s.

Please Help Me. I Need Protection From These Individuals And To Be Removed From There L.A.S.E.R. Weapons Systems Being Operated One Me, Shot Into My Liver, Giving Me Liver Failure, Killing Me.

I Need Help With The Fact That EveryBody In The U.S. Is Lying, And Being Asked To Lie By The C.I.A., And I Need To Be Put In Contact With The Covert People/Outside People Who Continue To Secretly Sue The Central Intelligence Agency Regarding The Illegal Operation To Publicly Execute Me.

Thank You,

Sean Michael Tooley

Isn't that great? We got TWO letters from this guy! The other one is about the same, but goes on about operation "PURPLE."


Adam & Rachel said...

So psychotic!

Keith said...

I just got a 7 page letter from him today. He really does exist in the Seattle area and should probably be avoided at all costs. My letter was mainly centered around Operation PURPLE as well and the 25 million key players who are trying to publicly execute him by burning his living with lasers. Most of these I just ignore, but the all the anti-government psychos taking pops at children right now, I just had to make sure people knew about his wherabouts.