Thursday, September 6, 2007

Freshman Fashion Show

So, one of my favorite parts about the new school year is watching all the freshmen. They all look like they are 12 years old. I have put off a lot of my general education requirements because... well... they aren't very interesting. However, this being my last year, I really have no choice but to take the ones that I have been putting off. The upside is that Roni and I get to see what is in fashion.

A young face and lost expression isn't the only way to tell who is a freshman, and who has been at BYU a few years. Judging by the amount of parents that have been floating around Provo this past week, one can assume that there have been quite a few freshman that had their parents drop them off. Anyways, for whatever reason, it seems that parents wanted to buy their kids new school clothes "just one last time" (though I don't think my parents bought ANY of my clothes since freshman year of highschool). As a result, ALL of the freshmen look remarkably similar. They are all wearing BRIGHT flower print shirts. I mean BRIGHT. Now, maybe they think they are in high school, and people actually care? But wearing garish flower print is like putting a huge sign on their heads that says, "LOOK AT ME, I'M A FRESHMAN!" Just give them a couple years, they'll get over it.

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